save the charging in the mobile


Everyone is facing the problem of nil charging in the mobile and by following few tips, mobile can be used for a long time.

  • Backlight in the mobile should be OFF during the day time. It should be ON only during the nights as it is required at that time.
  • Charging will be reduced with the vibration mode. Charging is less required for the ring tone than vibration. So keep the mobile in loud mode as much as possible.
  • Usage of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and sending the mails in GPS are the main reasons for the reduction of charging.
  • Charging will be reduced by placing the mobile under glowing lights and placing them on the TV when they are ON.
  • Taking photos with flash light will also reduce the charging.
  • Screen savers and wall papers will reduce the charging and by reducing them, we can save the charging and improve the lifespan of the battery.

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